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The chemical industry had an outstanding performance in the first quarter. According to Wind data, up to the close of April 6, 47 listed companies in the first-class chemical industry of SYWGCHE have published their first-quarter performance forecast. Except Hongda New Material, the performance of the other 46 listed companies are all reported to be pre-positive (pre-positive, profitable, slightly positive), with the pre-positive ratio as high as 97.87%. Among them, Luxi Chemical is expected to increase net profit by more than 50 times in the first quarter, Tiantie is expected to increase net profit by more than 60 times in the first quarter, and DFD is expected to increase by more than 70 times in the first quarter. Factors, such as higher prices, strong demand and the release of new capacity, have contributed to the surge.
CICC pointed out that there were two main driving factors for the significant improvement in the profits of chemical enterprises. First, the global economy has been recovering in the post-epidemic era, and the terminal demand has been gradually returning to normal. The second was the rise in oil prices. Prices of the bulk commodities and major chemicals rose significantly year-on-year, which improved corporate earnings.
Guosheng Securities believes that, driven by the global economic recovery and replenishment cycle, the high prosperity of the chemical industry is expected to be continued. From the point of view of performance, the performance of the first quarter of the leading chemical enterprise will exceed market expectations, and the second quarter will continue to improve.
The business club believes that the first quarter of the chemical market has been in a strong uptrend. In 2021, the improvement of industry demand margin is mainly from overseas, loose monetary policy will drive the chemical sub-industry a further boom, and the second quarter of the chemical market might keep increasing.